Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Radioman & Radioboy

I have never blogged before. I actually don't even like the term "blog," prefer to say "web blog" but were I to continue to do so folks might look at me funny, so "blog" it is. Anyway, this is my blog and welcome to it. Unsure how often I will post, or whether my interest will wane and the blog will soon go silent, but as I have some time on my hands and some material to share, thanks for reading.

The main focus of this blog will be my super heroes. That is, super heroes of my own devising. So I'll post drawings and sketches, whatever amateurish "comic book pages" I generate, and some general information about the characters and their world. A secondary focus, as the blog name indicates, is "other stuff": real comic books, roleplaying games, movies, novels, TV shows, what have you. Maybe I'll write a brief review or express on opinion on something that interests you. Maybe my opinion will be so utterly obtuse you will feel compelled to comment and correct me.

There, my introduction is out of the way, so let's take a look at the premier super heroes of my little fictional world: Radioman and Radioboy. They were inspired by my son Ben, who was about one year old at the time. Ben has a toy car carrier that came with a pretend radio. Ben ran all around the house clicking the button on the pretend radio. I took to calling him "Radioboy" whenever he did that. "Radioboy" struck me as a great name for a super hero's sidekick, so naturally his mentor would have to be "Radioman."

What can Radioman and Radioboy do, you ask? Well, they have the ability to ride on radiowaves from one transmitter or receiver to another. They can blast you about once a day with "residual radiowaves" they've stored up in their bodies. They can also shrink very tiny via short waves. Finally, they can transmit, receive, and jam radio communications. All very Silver Age and unscientific to say the least, but it's fun for me and I hope you like them as well.

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